Saturday, July 11, 2015

CS1010S review (NUS)

in this review, i will be giving the rough description, assessment criteria and difficulty. i will not discuss about how easy or difficult to score a certain grade or what not. also, excuse my language.. i am not a professional writer.

CS1010S: Programming Methodology

this module teaches you to write and read codes through Python. take note that this is different from CS1010E though both modules are related to computer coding. for CS1010S, they used the platform Coursemology for tutorials and assignments.

as for grading wise, they grade you through midterm paper, final paper, practical exam, tutorial participation, submissions in Coursemology. 

personally, i find this module challenging yet fun. why challenging? one, i have no computing background, so taking this module felt like i had to learn an entirely new language and be graded for it within the semester. two, the tutorials and assignments were time consuming.. they required quite a deal of time and effort weekly. three, doing past year papers might not exactly be super helpful as the staff tend to come out with new “ideas” every other semester. why fun? one, for most of the people, coding might be something new and learning new things can be interesting. two, the assignments are rather interesting. the module has no bell curve.. so yeah, it can be good news to some, bad for many.

as for tips from someone who has taken this module, this module really require consistent work. yeah, you might be hearing this from your seniors and teachers and it is starting to get boring. however, i would say that this module has no room for last-minute stuff. what you don’t know at the front will snowball and bite you consistently  for the rest of the semester. revising last minute cannot bring you very far. if you are lagging at the start, you are in deep trouble. remember, no bell curve.. no standardisation. however, this is probably the only module that gives second chances as there might be re-midterm and re-practical.

click here to see the modules i have read and their respective reviews. do feel free to contact me via Telegram @alvinngjh for any questions or what not.


  1. Wanted to ask if you learnt Python 2 or 3 in CS1010S?

  2. able to share some of the resources? i would like to prep before sch stats!! thanks
