Sunday, June 18, 2017

ST3241 review (NUS)

DISCLAIMER: firstly, i am not a professional writer, so if there are mistakes in my language, move on. secondly, the review is mostly based on opinions, so i would advise you to google for more reviews to get a diverse take on the modules you are interested in. thirdly, module details change every semester, so do not expect every assessment will stick. last but not the least, i will not talk about grades. hope this is useful for you, cheers.

what do you learn?

this module teaches you the many ways to handle categorical data and variables. you will get familiar with numerous models and methods such as logit models, poisson models, odds ratio, relative risk and many more. this module exposes you to quite a few or R packages as well which can be rather useful.


grading comes from quite a few areas. they are tutorial submissions, tutorial attendance, midterms and finals.

my personal opinion?

there is not much room for errors when taking this module.. the bell curve is rather steep. this is where the stress comes from. the content and what not is manageable though tutorial submissions can be a little annoying. these submissions are done weekly and most questions require R to be done. there are quite a few proofs as well but in exams, normally the last question is proving.. that's all. exam questions are similar to tutorial questions.. of course R outputs will be given. be very familiar with the explanation of each output and what to score well in exams.  

click here to see the modules i have read and their respective reviews. do feel free to contact me via Telegram @alvinngjh for any questions or what not.


  1. Hey! :)

    Just two quick questions:
    1. Was the prof Zhang Jin Ting?
    2. Were the lectures webcasted?

    Thanks in advance for replying!

    1. 1. yes, i was taught under him. his handwriting might be bad but stuff he writes down is important.
      2. i went to every lecture hence honestly i cannot remember clearly.. but i think it wasnt webcasted. nonetheless sem in sem out whether lectures are webscasted depends on the prof.'s mood i guess.
